Finishing Well

Commissioning of new pastors, Mark & Meg at West Wilts Vineyard Church

Last Sunday morning I had the privilege of visiting West Wilts Vineyard Church in Trowbridge where a momentous pastoral succession was taking place. 

The service was a brilliant mix of songs, prayers, stories, encouragement, tears and cake.  The new pastors, Mark & Meg were officially commissioned with vows and the laying on of hands. They will wonderfully lead the church into its next season with vision and energy & grace.

The previous week, the celebration of the outgoing pastors had gone long, extending way beyond 2 hours as person after person stepped forward to share their stories. They spoke of arriving broken, being treated with respect, cared for with kindness & loved unconditionally. They had found this church to be a community where they could experience the love of God in so many meaningful ways. 

Outgoing pastors, Jason & Sam

Two decades ago, this church did not exist at all. Jason & Sam Whiley were both teachers, volunteering in another church in their spare time, who happened to start a small group in their town which quickly became a church-plant. With virtually no experience, they sought to keep it simple and biblical, and waited to see who God would bring through the door. 

The church grew steadily over time, meeting in a local school for many years until eventually acquiring a building in 2018.  Like many churches they have an active food-bank which, over the years, has provided 21,000 meals for those in need. That’s equivalent to half of the population of Trowbridge!  Reflecting on their story, Jason reminded the congregation, “Our actions have to align with our words. We are here for other people & not just for ourselves.”  

The heartfelt gratitude shown to Jason & Sam as they prepared to move on was genuinely moving and completely inspiring, as is the way that they have carried themselves throughout the past 18 years. They have invested their heart & soul, made inordinate sacrifices and stayed the course through many ups & downs.  It reminds me of Eugene Peterson’s phrase, “A long obedience in the same direction”. 

In his second pastoral letter, the apostle Paul encourages his protege Timothy with this advice: “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.” (2 Timothy 4:5)

The Greek word translated here as ‘fulfil’ means to bear or bring full, to carry through to the end, to accomplish.

In a culture which focusses on short term wins and quick fixes, Jason and Sam have demonstrated incredible longevity. Where some will try and hold onto position for their own gain, these two have modelled humility and otherness. They have fulfilled their ministry and can step away with gratitude and peace.  There are some serious lessons there for all of us.

When I get to the end of my current role, or any role to be honest, I want to be able to say the same thing: that I have served God, given it my all, made the sacrifices necessary, run my race and finished well. 

And even more than that, I want others to say it too.

First Published in the Hampshire Chronicle 26 May 2022

More about West Wilts Vineyard Church here

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